
EmployTT has quickly developed into the go-to website for applying for government contract employment, having 528 job posts, and 10,759 applicants in 2023. This is because EmployTT provides a seamless job application process, efficient candidate shortlisting, and a centralised repository for all applications, simplifying the recruitment process and significantly shortening the time it takes to identify suitable candidates. While this is a fantastic achievement, we decided that we could take it a bit further. 

Introducing the EmployTT API. 

The new EmployTT API is a transformative tool for ministries seeking to modernise their employment platforms. With this API, ministries can easily extend the comprehensive services of EmployTT into their own systems. The EmployTT API ensures ministries can fully integrate their HR systems with EmployTT, thus seamlessly automating data movement from EmployTT to their HR system. 

This lessens the need for HR personnel to manually transcribe data from EmployTT into their systems. The API enables the retrieval of job details and applicant information, ensuring a more coordinated approach to managing job openings and candidates. This tool is poised to reduce the time-to-hire, making the recruitment process more efficient for employers and job seekers.

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